About Biosorption



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We have listed ALL our publications in the field of (metal) biosorption done at McGill University. The active work of McGill Biosorption Research Laboratory has wound down. Professor Volesky is affiliated with McGill University as a Professor Emeritus.
We would like our publications to be easily available to you and your colleagues around the world to assist you in your own work. Most of the papers and even Chapters in different
specialized books acan be downloaded from the "Publications" web-page as PDF files - just click and proceed.

Please read - and read some more of the most recent research - do your homework ! Only from reading what has been done could you formulate just what to do NEXT and learn the techniques used in this interdisciplinary field.
If you can read this - you have no excuse to not be up-to-date and well educated in the field of biosorption.
Computers must be at your fingertips - -

CLICK for book details

The most comprehensive information package on biosorption and sorption process theory and methodologies.
You will find all the answers to most of your questions in this book.
In the book:
Biosorption mechanisms, equilibrium sorption process principles, flow-through dynamic process principles.
Performance evaluation and modeling of sorption processes as well as processing of biosorbents.
Examples, diagrams, colorful slides - - all in there.

 Less scientific and more application,  process &  'enterprise' oriented web-site.

Prof. Volesky can be reached at:

Prof. B. Volesky, PhD, ing - Professor Emeritus
Dept. of Chemical Engineering
M. H. Wong Building, 
3610 University Street, 
Montreal, Canada. H3A 2B2

Phone :
Fax : 1-514-398-6678 
e-mail : boya.volesky@mcgill.ca