is a property of certain types of inactive, dead, microbial biomass to
bind and concentrate heavy metals from even very dilute aqueous solutions.
Biomass exhibits this property, acting just as a chemical substance, as
an ion exchanger of biological origin. It is particularly the cell
wall structure of certain algae, fungi and bacteria which was found responsible
for this phenomenon. Opposite to biosorption is metabolically driven
active bioaccumulation by living cells. That is an altogether
different phenomenon requiring a different approach for its exploration.
Pioneering research on biosorption
of heavy metals at McGill University in Montreal has led to identification
of a number of microbial biomass types which are extremely effective in
concentrating metals. Some of the biomass types come as a waste by-product
of large-scale industrial fermentations (the mold Rhizopus
or the bacterium Bacillus subtilis
). Other metal-binding biomass types, certain abundant seaweeds (particularly
brown algae e.g. Sargassum, Ecklonia
), can be readily collected from the oceans. These biomass types,
serving as a basis for metal biosorption processes, can accumulate in excess
of 25% of their dry weight in deposited heavy metals: Pb, Cd, U,
Cu, Zn, even Cr and others. Research on biosorption is revealing
that it is sometimes a complex phenomenon where the metallic species could
be deposited in the solid biosorbent through different sorption processes
of ion exchange, complexation, chelation, microprecipitation, etc.
A whole new family of suitably
"formulated" biosorbents can be used in the process of metal removal and
detoxification of industrial metal-bearing effluents. The sorption
packed-column configuration is the most effective mode of application for
the purpose. Recovery of the deposited metals from saturated biosorbent
can be accomplished because they can often be easily released from the
biosorbent in a concentrated wash solution which also regenerates the biosorbent
for subsequent multiple reuse. This and extremely low cost of biosorbents
makes the process highly economical and competitive particularly for environmental
applications in detoxifying effluents of e.g.
- metal-plating and metal-finishing operations,
- mining and ore processing operations,
- metal processing, battery and accumulator manufacturing operations,
- thermal power generation (coal-fired plants in particular),
- nuclear power generation, (etc.)
Different types of science background,
from engineering to biochemistry, can make a significant contribution in
elucidating the biosorption phenomenon. Interdisciplinary efforts
are mandatory and represent quite a challenge. Preparing biosorption
for application as a process requires mainly chemical engineering
background. Good understanding of the sorption operation is mandatory.
While ongoing research is essential for improving and optimizing metal
biosorption effectiveness, wastewater purification applications of the
biosorption process are readied for pilot testing of this alternative new
technology. Optimization of specific biosorption process applications
has to be done in conjunction with industrial users/clients and requires
specific process engineering expertise and a serious development capital