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PREFACE                                                                                                                v

About the Author                                                                                                  vi

CONTENTS                                                                                                         vii


INTRODUCTION – Sorption and Biosorption Share the Methodology                                      1


1.   POTENTIAL OF BIOSORPTION                                                                                                   5

1.1   METALS:  ENVIRONMENTAL THREAT                                                         5

1.2   BIOSORPTION TECHNOLOGY                                                                            7

1.3   BIOSORPTION ENTERPRISE                                                                                9

                Techno-Economic Basis                                                                                 11

                Identification of Potential Synergies and Partners                                  11

1.4   CONCLUSION                                                                                                          12

2.   BIOSORPTION  R&D                                                                                                                  13

2.1   Biomass Screening – where to look and why ?                                                   14

                What are Biosorbents ?                                                                                  16

                Biosorption Performance                                                                              17

                Biosorbent Metal Selectivity                                                                        18

        Review of Biosorption Performance                                                                     19

                REFERENCES                                                                                                   23

2.2   Adsorption - Uptake                                                                                               25

2.3   Desorption                                                                                                                27

2.4   Mechanism of metal biosorption                                                                           29

2.5   Modeling                                                                                                                   30

2.6   Granulation                                                                                                               31

                Biosorption Process operation                                                                    32

2.7   Project disciplines and Tasks                                                                                33

3.   THE MECHANISM OF METAL BIOSORPTION                                                                      35

3.1   Biosorption and Bioaccumulation                                                    35

3.2   CHEMICAL BINDING                                                                                            36

                Complexation, Coordination, Chelation of Metals                                      36

                Ion Exchange, Adsorption                                                                              39

                Inorganic Microprecipitation                                                                         40

3.3   THE MECHANISM OF BIOSORPTION                                                              41

                Temperature Effect                                                                                           41

                Influence of pH                                                                                                 42

                Ionic Strength Effect                                                                                        43

                Presence of Other Anions                                                                              43

                Overall Mechanisms:  Ion Exchange, Adsorption, Microprecipitation  44

                Contribution of Electrostatic Attraction and Complexation                      45

                Binding Sites                                                                                                     46

3.4   INSTRUMENTAL ANALYSES                                                                             48

        FTIR Analysis – Cation Deposition                                                             49

        FTIR Analysis – Anion Deposition                                                              52

                Chromate Biosorption                                                                           52

                Vanadate Biosorption                                                                            53

                Gold-Cyanide Biosorption                                                                    54

        Determination of Electrostatic Attraction                                                    54

        Combination Mechanisms                                                                              54

3.5   REFERENCES                                                                                                           57-58

4.   METALS IN BIOSORPTION                                                                                                        59

4.1   The Choice of Metals                                                                                    59

        4.1-1 Removal of Toxic Heavy Metals                                                          60

                        “The Big Three”                                                                              60

                        Second-Tier Toxic Heavies                                                            60

                        Radionuclides                                                                                  60

4.2   INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL THREATS                                                  61

        4.2-1 Electroplating Operations                                                                     61

        4.2-2 Mining Industry Effluents                                                                    63

                        Acid Mine Drainage                                                                       63

        4.2-3 Power-Generating Stations                                                                   65

4.3   RECOVERY OF METALS                                                                                       67

        4.3-1 Precious Metals                                                                                      67

        4.3-2 Strategic Metals                                                                                      67

        4.3-3 Rare Earth Elements                                                                               68

                        Chemical Properties of REE                                                          69

        4.3-4 Metal Removal/Recovery Priorities                                                     71

4.4   METAL BEHAVIOR IN SOLUTION                                                                    72

        4.4-1 Chromate in Solution                                                                              73

        4.4-2 Vanadate in Solution                                                                              73

        4.4-3 Gold-Cyanide in Solution                                                                      74

        4.4-4 Example of Uranium speciation in solution                                        75

        4.4-5 MINEQL+                                                                                                78

4.5   REFERENCES                                                                                                           80

5.   SORPTION BY BIOMASS                                                                                                            81

5.1   BIOMASS TYPES                                                                                                    81

        5.1-1 References                                                                                               83-84

5.2   SORPTION BY CHITINOUS BIOMASS                                                              85

        5.2-1 Properties and Composition of Crab Shells                                        85

        5.2-2 Main Biomolecules in Crab Shells                                                       86

                        Chitin                                                                                                86

                        Protein                                                                                              87

                        Chitin-Protein Complex                                                                    87

5.3   BIOSORPTION BY ALGAL BIOMASS                                                               88

        5.3-1 Seaweed Cell walls                                                                                 89

        5.3-2 Main Biomolecules in Seaweeds                                                          91

                        Cellulose                                                                                           91

                        Alginic Acid                                                                                     92

                        Fucoidan                                                                                          93

                5.3-3 Sulfated Galactans of Red Algae                                                         93

                                Agar                                                                                                   93

                                Porphyran                                                                                        94

                                Carrageenan                                                                                    94

                5.3-4 The mechanism of biosorption by marine algae                                94

                                Importance of ion exchange

                                Relevance of complexation and electrostatic attraction        95

5.4   SORPTION BY MICROBIAL BIOMASS                                                             95

                5.4-1 Biosorption by Bacteria                                                                         95

                5.4-2 Biosorption by Fungi                                                                             97

5.5   REFERENCES                                                                                                           100-102


6.   EQUILIBRIUM BIOSORPTION PERFORMANCE                                                                103

6.1 Sorption Equilibrium                                                                                           103

6.1-1    Single-Sorbate Isotherms                                                                   105

                Simple Sorption Models                                                                105

                Langmuir model                                                                              105

                Freundlich model                                                                            106

                Other sorption isotherm relationships                                        107

6.1-2    Comparison of Sorption Performance                                               108

6.1-3    Equilibrium Constants                                                                         110

6.1-4    Experimental Sorption Isotherm                                                         112

                The tea-bag experiment                                                                 114

                Sorbent Comparison Based on % Removal                               114

6.1-5    REFERENCES                                                                                       116

6.1-6    Ion Exchange Isotherms and Separation Factors                           117

                Ion Exchange Equilibrium Relationships                                  118

                Example of Biosorbent Ion Exchange                                         120

                REFERENCES                                                                                 120

6.2 MULTI-SORBATE Sorption Equilibrium  (3-D)                                            121

6.2-1    Sorption Isotherms with a Parameter                                                121

6.2-2    Sorption Isotherm Plots                                                                      123

6.2-3    Cutting of Sorption Isotherm                                                             123

6.2-4    Example of the Fe-Cd Sorption System                                            125

6.2-5    BIBLIOGRAPHY                                                                                  126

6.3 MODELING OF EQUILIBRIUM BIOSORPTION                                                       127

6.3-1    Types of Sorption Models                                                                 129

                Models Considering Ideality                                                        130

6.3-2    Sorption Reactions and Modeling                                                    132

                Multi-Component Langmuirian Models                                     133

                Symbols                                                                                             134

            Langmuirian Models with Equilibrium Constants                          135

                Considering also the electrostatic binding                               136

                Considering the effect of pH                                                          137

            Models Considering Non-Ideality                                                    138

                i) In the Liquid Phase Only                                                             138

        ii) In the Solid Phase                                                                                139

                        Surface Complex Model                                                         139

                        Donnan Model                                                                         140

                        Wilson Model for Ion Exchange                                           140

6.3-3        Two Binding Sites                                                                           142

6.3-4        Considering the effect of Ionic Strength: Donnan Model         144

                        Incorporating sorption particle swelling                          145

6.3-5        Combination of the Isotherm and Donnan Models                    146

                        Calculation Without Iterations                                            146

6.3-6        Summary                                                                                            148

6.3-7        REFERENCES                                                                                   149-150

6.4 EQUILIBRIUM MODEL WITH  SOLUTION CHEMISTRY                                   151

6.4-1    HIEM model for Uranium Biosorption Isotherm                             151

6.4-2    Determination of HIEM model parameters

and modeling of experimental data                                            159

6.4-3    Comparison of experimental uranium isotherms

and HIEM calculations at different solution pH values        162

6.4-5    Summary                                                                                                163

6.4-6    REFERENCES                                                                                       164

6.5 BIOSORPTION BATCH DYNAMICS                                                                         165

6.5-1    End-Point Titration Curves                                                                166

6.5-2    Eliminating External Mass Transfer                                                  166

6.5-3    Biosorbent Particle Size and Sorption Rate                                     167

6.5-4    Rate of Uptake and Proton Release                                                  169

6.5-5    Mass Transfer Model for Biosorption Rate                                    170

6.5-6    Numerical Solution of the Model Equations                                   172

6.5-7    Regression of Model Parameters                                                      174

6.5-8    Desorption Rate                                                                                   176

6.5-9    REFERENCES                                                                                       178

7.   BIOSORPTION PROCESS PRINCIPLES                                                                               179

CONTINUOUS-FLOW REACTOR/CONTACTOR SYSTEMS                                 179

7.1   The Fixed-Bed Column Sorption System                                                             180

7.2   The Fluidized Bed Column Sorption System                                                       181

7.3   The Completely Mixed Solid-Liquid Sorption System                                       181

7.4   Fundamental Aspects of the Continuous-Flow Fixed-Bed Column                          183

        The Breakthrough Curve and its Interpretation                               183

                                        The link between equilibrium and column breakthrough              184

        Ion Exchange with Mixed Sorbates                                                     185

        Sorption Process Optimization Challenge                                        186

7.5   Process Example                                                                                                       187

        Specifications                                                                                          187

        Mass Balances                                                                                         188

        Sizing                                                                                                         189


8.   modeling of column performance                                                                          191

8.1   REVIEW: CFFB Sorption Column Performance Modeling                                     191

                        REFERENCES                                                                                                           196

8.2   (ECM) EQUILIBRIUM COLUMN MODEL                                                               197

                Symbols                                                                                             198

                Equilibrium Considerations                                                         198

                Defining Characteristics of the ECM                                          199

8.2-1    Basic concepts of  ECM and symbol conventions                       199

                ECM Equations for Transitions                                                   201

8.2-2    Calculation of Concentration Histories for Column Effluent        203

                        Effects of Competitive Ion Exchange on the Performance

of sorption Columns    203

8.2-3    Case Study                                                                                            204

a) Theory of overshoots in ternary systems                                 204

b) Agreement between overshoots predicted by the ECM

                                                                     and experiments          205

c) Assessment of overshoots in a biosorption process removing

Cu from wastewater containing traces of Cd or Zn  207

The Use of ECM to Determine the Elution Order of Metals

         and the Column Service Time for Multi-Metal Mixtures   208

8.2-4    Conclusions on the ECM Concept                                                   210

8.2-5    REFERENCES                                                                                       212


8.3   (MTM) COLUMN SORPTION MODEL WITH MASS TRANSFER                     213

                                Symbols                                                                                             214

8.3-1    Connection between Equilibrium and Dynamic Sorption              215

                Start with Equilibrium Considerations                                      215

8.3-2    Fitting the Equilibrium Model and Ion Exchange Isotherms         219

8.3-3    Fitting and Use of the Sorption Column Model                              219

8.3-4    Example of the MTM Use                                                                   220

8.3-5    Conclusions on the MTM concept                                                  221

8.3-6    REFERENCES                                                                                       222



8.4-1    Axial Dispersion – Experimental Evaluation                                    223

8.4-2    Model Derivation                                                                                 224

8.4-3    Numerical Solution of the Model Equations                                   227

8.4-4    Determination of Model Parameters and Data Modeling              229

8.4-5    REFERENCES                                                                                       232


9.   BIOSORBENT MATERIAL PREPARATION                                                                         233

9.1     Biomass Sources                                                                                                      233

                        Industrial Biomass                                                                                  234

                        Seaweeds                                                                                                  234

9.2   Characterization of Biosorbent Particles                                                              235

                        Particle Size                                                                                             235

                        Particle Shape                                                                                         236

                        Porosity                                                                                                     236

                        Mechanical Strength                                                                              237

                        Density and Swelling                                                                             237

9.3   Biosorbent Material Formulation                                                                          238

                9.3-1    Biomass Reinforcement                                                                      238

                9.3-2    Crosslinking Procedures                                                                     240

                                Formaldehyde and Urea Formaldehyde Crosslinking            242

                                Experimental Crosslinking Examples                                         243

9.3-3      Granulation Techniques                                                                     244

Extrusion                                                                                          244

Fluidized Bed Granulation                                                           244

Spray Drying                                                                                    245

9.4   Column Pressure Drop                                                                                            246

9.5   Conclusion to Processing                                                                                      247

9.6   Desorption                                                                                                                248

                9.6-1    Choice of Ionic Form of Sorbent                                                       250

                9.6-2    Pre-treatment of Sargassum  biomass                                             251

                                Leaching of organic material and active sites                          251

                                Biosorbent Stability and Metal Affinities                                   252

9.7   REFERENCES                                                                                                           253-254


10. MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES BIOSORPTION                                                                  255

10.1   ‘Silver Bullet’ Biosorption                                                                                      255

10.2   Production of Monoclonal Antibodies                                                                257

                  In vitro Production Methods                                                                         259

10.3   Purification and Application of mAbs                                                                  260

                  Ion Exchange Chromatography                                                                     261

                  Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography                                                 261

                  Gel Filtration Chromatography                                                                      262

                  Affinity Chromatography                                                                               262

                  Large Scale Purification                                                                                  265

10.4   The Future: Monoclonal vs. Single Domain Antibodies                                   267

10.5   Summary of mAbs Work Cited  (Table 10-3)                                                    268

10.6   REFERENCES                                                                                                           270-273


11. Biosorption PublicationsMcGill University Research Group                           275


12. APPENDICES                                                                                                                                 279

Appendix A – Matlab Code for HIEM Model                                                               279

Appendix B Fortran Code for Galerkin Finite Element Method                               281

Appendix C Fortran Code for Orthogonal Collocation Method                             285

Appendix D – Matlab Subroutines for Column Concentration Profiles                    293-299


13. LIST OF FIGURES and TABLES                                                                                        301-312


14. INDEX                                                                                                                                      313-316


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